The electricity consumption is directly proportional to the electricity used by the fan. The power consumed depends on many factors, including:
- Wattage of ceiling fan (usually 10-120 watts)
- Power consumption of light fixture that is connected with it
- Number and size of blades
- Type/model
- Speed
- Size
- Location
Table of Contents
Electricity Usage of Ceiling Fan
Voltage is a serious problem to consider while using the fan. It may be as follows, 120 volts AC at 1/2am or 8 wires system 24 volts DC (in European countries) or as 125 Volt AC in USA etc.. But above 12 volt systems are better to be used without seeking any additional power input and also user can manage them easily than 240v household voltage on normally available electrical outlets which causes maximum damage due to potential over-heating of the electrical system.
No direct effect on climate change exists from using a ceiling fan . Therefore, it is likely that there are no energy efficiency issues as long subject to consumer choice and convenience reasons. Though it also does not take much or little electricity to operate an AC powered household appliance with its integrated motor, something which usually has significant power consumption itself once turned on but which generally operates in idle mode if DC current supply feed is interrupted. It takes a lot more energy (voltage drop) for the current in trapped in capacitance elsewhere, when using an AC powered household appliance’s integrated motor than would be consumed by its internal motor alone.
Nowadays most of “modern” manufacturers have moved on to making sophisticated DC motors that can run at lower speeds without overheating and which do not require transformers or relays nor high voltage power supplies, but they are unable to sell them at a reasonable cost. This is inflationary, because the use of these more advanced products increases prices generally and raises costs for consumers.
Unfortunately there are still many market barriers against the widespread application of variable power supply technologies such as magnetic reluctance motors by households ie since most people’s heating systems rely on non-variable energy inputs which carry fixed shares if possible to ensure greater reliability , so upgrading their own home electrical equipment would be out of reach for most consumers to do on a reasonable scale.
Benefits of Ceiling Fan
1. ceiling fan uses only 27-38 watts per hour (Wp.H) as compared to air conditioners which consume around 3,000 Wp. H in the summer and 2,400 Wp.-3,800Wch in winter period while saving around 1/10th of energy consumption by ceiling fans .
2. A good ceiling fan not only consume less electricity but also reduce the MEPCO Bill.
3. It cools much better that the air conditioners because of its vertically positioned blades in tropical regions and spacious window area but not for a room where walls are 2-4 feet thick, occupants sleep closer to ceiling fan so it gives less cooling effect as compared to normal range fans. Therefore, you should take care while using ceiling fans purchase one which suits your purpose well.: There is no question on asking if they are perfect or not. The answer is surely yes to ceilings with 20-50 feet height but if you intend to buy one for living room, mid sized rooms and perhaps second apartment in the same building (which may rent out), you should choose regular range of fan as it cools better than ceiling fans.
4. Ceiling Fans Are Green
they use less energy and decrease air pollution due to less electricity consumption during the summer months. Moreover, huge amount of planet earth’s clean air is used to cool this machine which in turn decrease deposition of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) particularly Green House Gases (GHG). It consumes less electricity and hence much fewer units are required as compared to the ACs.
5. They up hold intelligent design
they use low wattage while still offering sufficient cooling effect on a room with several occupants due to their fully adjustable speed control panel which gives variety of response to the energy consumption. Moreover, speed & call experience matters a lot.
6. Extremely cheap
you can buy one with reasonable cost as compared to ACs during summer months in cities around 6-12 years old and pay it off for good by means of air exchanges where you open few windows in winters only which saves electricity altogether along with increases comfort level due to well cooled environment . Though ceiling fans are priced very low has been known for more than 100 years.
7. Can serve several purposes
its architectural aesthetic appeal, health care benefits and most of all fun to have adds a lot in the overall value of modern homes . The entire range from low priced fans has been developed keeping these factors in mind while inventing them (Aerodynamic models) over last half century by various companies which offers the humanity bird’s eye view with respect to global heating controversies involving increase results into global climate change problems.
8. Attractive
house owners like to decorate their rooms with this type of fans for various reasons as per their choice and budget availability . Their innovative design offers much more appeal than the traditional fan types which have been around in the market pre-2000s & earlier decades, many people still remember that kind of old style modern home interior decoration styles which has served its purpose long back when they were popularly used.