If you want to register your CNIC online, read this step-by-step guide. The guides will help you complete your Online MEPCO CNIC Registration. To register your card, you no longer need to go down to MEPCO office for it. Follow the written instructions carefully and register your CNIC here.
Note: Click Here to Check MEPCO Bill
MEPCO CNIC Registration Process
First, you need to go to the CNIC registration form that can download the forum given below. The registration form can be found by clicking the CNIC REGISTRATION tab. After you have applied for a CNIC, you should get the Customer ID and Reference number. You can find the Customer ID and Reference Number on the bill as shown in the picture below. Click here to lesco bill check online.
You will need a copy of your bill for reference. This can be a landline or cellphone bill. You will also need to have your CNIC number ready. This can be found on the left hand side of your monthly bill. Then, enter your reference number, which can also be found at the bottom of your bill. Next, you will be asked to divide the reference number into three parts. In order to speed up the CNIC registration process, you can register online.
gd job
Send always my mepco bill on my SMS..my refrence #08151716240800
Send always my mepco bill on my SMS..my refrence
Respected sir my consumer I’d 1150164892
Reference no 06151733877400
CNIC no 3630219361955
Mob 03007371192
Plz correct my details on ur record and mepco bill
Respected sir My consumer id is
Reference number
Please correct my detail on ur record mepco bill and register my name on mepco bill
Thank you